Frequently Asked Questions

Family General Practice FAQs

Skin Cancer Clinic FAQ’s

Usually a 30 minute appointment is booked for skin cancer checkups. This includes some time for us to discuss your medical and sun exposure history and advise you about best sun protection measures.

Skin cancer doctors use a dermatoscope to take a close up look at any concerning spots. Using a dermatoscope is painless and greatly assists us in deciding if a skin lesion is of concern or not. Sometimes we take dermoscopic photographs of a spot or mole, so it can be monitored over time for any changes.

To test a suspicious spot or mole, we take a biopsy under local anaesthetic. The sample is sent to a pathology laboratory for testing. Receiving the test result usually takes a few days.

In most cases, when found early, skin cancers can be easily and successfully treated with surgery or non-surgical methods such as creams or cryotherapy. Most appropriate treatment option will depend on the type of skin cancer found and your other medical conditions.

We are fully equipped and have the skills to do most surgical treatments onsite. However you’ll be referred on if more advanced facilities and skills are required to treat your condition.